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4 Reasons to Spend New Year’s Day on the Slopes

moon coming up

2020 is nearly over (thank Ullr!) and the hopes are high for 2021. While the NYE scene that many people are used to won’t be a thing this year, it’s still possible to ring in the New Year the right way. By starting the New Year with an early morning ski day, we think your 2021 will be great—at least for the day.

Here are the Top 4 reasons to ski on New Year’s Day.

  1. Fewer People

Despite fewer massive parties this New Year’s Eve, it still won’t be surprising if everyone decides to sleep in on January 1. After staying up past midnight to ring in the New Year, fewer people decide to brave the early mornings on the slopes. That means for those of us who do decide to hit first chair, there will be fewer people in the lines and on the runs. There’s no better way to start your year off than wide open turns.

  1. New Year’s Resolution

Is your New Year’s Resolution to get more exercise? Get outside more? Experience the beauty of Colorado more? Well, good news! Skiing and snowboarding are a great way to get your New Year’s resolution started on day one and have a darn good time doing so. Even if your resolution is a bit more nuanced, we’d wager that hitting the slopes doesn’t go against any resolutions you may have.

  1. No Hangover!

Start the New Year not feeling like death. If you’re planning on getting up early to hit the slopes, then the wisest bet is to stop the celebration early and head to bed at a reasonable hour. If you do, when you wake up on January 1, you’ll feel like a million bucks. Even if you do end up knocking a few beers back until the early morning, there’s nothing better to nurse a hangover than skiing and snowboarding. A little fresh, brisk air, some light exercise and a healthy scoop of fun will cure whatever it is that ails you. Plus, if all else fails, ski areas are generally stocked with plenty of Hair o’ the Dog.

  1. Start With the Right Mindset

We’ve all had a rough go of things this year and most of us are looking towards 2021 to be better. What better way to make sure 2021 starts exceptionally than with a day sliding down snow? For many of us, there is no better way to spend a day—any day—than out in nature, strapped to skis or a snowboard, so why start off the New Year in any other way? By waving goodbye to a year that was so hard for so many people with a clear mind and a rush of serotonin, your mindset for 2021 will improve.

Personally, I didn’t ski on New Year’s Day 2020, and, well, let’s just say the year wasn’t the best. Hitting the slopes on January 1 might not make 2021 the best year ever, but it certainly couldn’t hurt.